Here you will find holistic psychotherapy to strengthen presence and nourish your nervous system, so you can focus on what brings joy and inspiration.

Difficult experiences and emotions can feel overwhelming, leaving us stuck, reactive, or retreating from life’s challenges. I weave somatic mindfulness, breathwork, creativity, and contemporary research on trauma and the nervous system (like the Polyvagal Nerve), to enhance clients' capacities to face, explore, and accept their feelings.


In our work together, we can help you respond to life's stressors with more choice, ease, and conviction.

In the process, we can rewrite limiting stories that diminish your innate worthiness. With gentle awareness of natural rhythms, you can connect to your intuitive wisdom, find nourishing self-care practices, and strengthen your relationship to yourself and others.

When you trust in your capacity to heal deeper clarity and insight may unfold. Together we can help you embody a deeper sense of joy and inner-knowing, so you can show up fully in this precious life.


Sessions may involve a mixture of talking, CBT strategies to help you shift unhelpful beliefs, and learning practices to calm the nervous system, like meditation or breathwork. We may weave in expressive art making or SoulCollage®. I tailor my approach to each client’s individual needs, and check in routinely about what is and isn’t working for you.


Sessions may involve….

  • Exploring values, strengths & achievements

  • Self compassion practices and meditations

  • Noticing & unhooking from limiting beliefs

  • Embodied visualizations

  • Self care practices & routines

  • Examining what lights up your soul & clarifying goals

Sessions will NOT include:

  • Judgment

  • Giving advice (unless you ask for it) or telling you what to do

  • Prescribing homework that isn’t helpful or that adds to your load

  • A stoic blank slate therapist. Expect a whole, imperfect human to accompany you!

Creative woman holding paintbrushes


Art therapy can be directive with a prompt, or non-directive and self initiated. The structure of art sessions is intentionally chosen based on your therapeutic goals and important themes we are exploring together in session.


Expressive Art Processes

  • Identity collage

  • Exploring feelings through art

  • Revising unhelpful narratives

  • Mindfulness, relaxation & embodiment

  • Exploring parts of self

  • Resourcing & grounding through art, music & movement

  • SoulCollage® card-making

Basic Materials I Recommended

  • Markers

  • Color Pencils

  • Oil Pastels

  • Paper

  • Magazines, Scissors, Glue

  • Pen, pencils, eraser

  • Watercolor paints


I offer Holistic Wellness Coaching 1:1 and in workshops- which are in visioning and planning stages. These provide transformational experiences that though healing, are not therapy. They offer a bridge between my psychotherapy expertise and other integrative holistic healing approaches (like Ayurvedic medicine & SoulCollage®) which don’t just treat symptoms or solve problems, but enrich the body, nourish the heart, and expand the soul and spirit. If you would like to learn more, click here.

Note: I do not offer holistic wellness coaching or workshops to current or past therapy clients, to avoid duplicate relationships which can jeopardize the therapy process. Please let me know if you have questions about this.


This is a space to rest in what grounds you, claim what nourishes you, and seek what fulfills you.

The Therapy Process


Step 1

Intake Call

This is a brief 15 min call to get to know you, what you’re looking for, and schedule our first intake meeting. I will then send you a link to your Simple Practice client portal and paperwork to review and sign before our first intake meeting.

  • After this call, you will be asked to review and sign consent to treatment, office policies, and consent to telehealth forms before our first session.

Step 2

First Session

The first session can feel daunting, but we will work together slowly to begin connecting the vibrant puzzle pieces of you or your teen’s life. The purpose is for you to get a feel for my style so you leave feeling the space is comfortable. It’s also for me to get a sense of how I can best support you. I strive to get a whole holistic picture of you in the world, what’s important to you, your identity, and factors affecting your mental health.

  • If you are a parent seeking support for your teen, then we meet together in this initial session.

  • It can be difficult to find the right therapist so if you don’t feel I’m right for you, I will happily offer you other referrals to support you on your journey.

Step 3

The Work

Therapy can last anywhere from a few sessions to years- it just depends on what you need. I meet with clients on a weekly basis for 50 minute sessions, as I believe growth comes from consistency. Sessions that are spread out result in much time spent getting caught up on content. It’s normal that when difficult feelings are initially brought to the surface, that things get stirred up- meaning it can sometimes feel tougher before it feels better. Over time, as we build our relationship, we will likely settle into a comfortable format & rhythm.

  • You may feel tired or exhilarated following therapy, so setting aside time after can helpful.

  • You may desire to work on tasks or practice skills between sessions.

Therapy Musings

  1. Therapy can stir up underlying feelings we’ve gotten accustomed to brushing under the rug, ignoring, or avoiding. This means things can feel worse, before they feel better. The good thing is now that stuff is out in the open, we can take meaning from it, learn from our body’s signals, and free ourselves from what might be restricting us. This discomfort can be a sign that the healing has begun.

  2. Therapy takes time. Growth doesn’t happen overnight. It requires consistently showing up and being curious. Also, growth isn’t linear. I’s okay to take some missteps and go back, before re-callibrating and continuing forward. 

  3. Therapy is vulnerable and takes courage. I am continuously inspired at my client’s vulnerability and efforts to create their ideal lives. 

  4. You carry immense wisdom and are the expert on you. Though I offer suggestions when explicitly sought, and value explanations to help understand the brain and body, I believe that when folks come up with their own solutions to their unique challenges, it is much more empowering than being told. 

  5. I believe that we are all guided towards wholeness by natural forces and that therapy can help reconnect us to our own truth, innate aliveness, and facilitate a space for our organic unfolding. We’re just getting out of our own way, removing what’s not working, letting our innate intuition lead us.

  6. There may be times when I say something that doesn’t land or that’s irritating. I invite clients to let me know or correct me! Feedback only helps me understand and support you better. You are the expert on your own life and I hope this can be a place for safe relational repair.

  7. Simple and slow can have profound effects. 

  8. Sometimes therapy doesn’t come on the perfect day. It’s okay to cry, to swear, to not want to talk, to show up however you are. 

  9. I’m not perfect and definitely don’t know everything. If something is outside my scope, I will send you some appropriate referrals or resources. 

  10. Therapists see therapists. Healing and striving for wellness is not for the broken, but should be a human right. We’re all growing in this beautiful messy world together.